The top dermatologist in Atlanta Georgia recently sat down to offer information on the role of surgery in dermatology.
Did you know that Mohs Micrographic Surgery is an advanced surgical option that has a 99% cure rate for most cancers.
If you are returning to your dermatologist for the first time in a while you are likely wondering “how much is a derm visit?”
Mohs surgery is the removal of cancerous tissues from the skin to help restore healthy skin. Does it hurt?
Approved and recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation, Mohs surgery has a 96% to 98% success rate.
Acne is painful both physically and emotionally and can cause lifelong scarring.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system of the body to attack healthy tissue, most commonly near the joints.
Blackheads, and whiteheads, and pimples, oh my! Acne can be quite frightening when left untreated, as it can lead to permanent scarring.
When you seek a new dermatologist, or any doctor for that matter, you want to be sure to find the right one the first time.
After chickenpox, acne, burns, piercings, or other issues lead to scar tissue, keloids can form on skin as part of the healing process.