Your Search for the Best Keloid Doctor in Marietta, Georgia Is Over

After chickenpox, acne, burns, piercings, or other issues lead to scar tissue, keloids can form on skin as part of the healing process.

Keloids, or keloidal scars, are simply an overgrowth of scar tissue and don’t cause any harm.

But for the 10 percent of people who experience keloids, they can be quite a nuisance. Though it is mainly only a cosmetic issue, they can become sensitive.

Did You Know Keloids Can Continue to Grow for Years?

If you have a keloid that is bothering you now and continuing to grow, it’s probably a good time to consult a dermatologist to see if you can have it shrunken or removed.

While keloids will eventually stop growing, that may take months or even years. They will never go away on their own without successful treatment.

Searching for the Best Keloid Doctor in Marietta, Georgia?

There’s no doubt that if you’re considering any type of surgery, you want to find the right physician.

Our dermatologists are experienced with keloid removal and will even help ensure your keloidal scarring doesn’t return afterward by combining surgery with other treatments.

Not sure if surgical removal is right for you? That’s okay too! There are alternatives to keloid surgery, including topical creams, steroid injections, and even home remedies, though the latter typically only make keloids a bit less noticeable.

Is It Time to Get Your Keloid Treated? Call ADS for the Best Keloid Doctor in Marietta, Georgia Today!

If your keloid is itchy, tender, or causing discomfort physically and / or emotionally and affecting your self-esteem, you need the skilled hands of ADS’s experienced dermatologist, Dr. Johnathan Chappell, for keloid removal or shrinkage.

Call us today at (678) 505-8030 to schedule an appointment and be on your way to smoother skin tomorrow!