Mohs Surgery Results in Marietta, GA: What You Should Know

Mohs surgery is recommended when certain types of skin cancers are aggressive or large, when they appear on areas of the body with little tissue underneath (such as the foot, hand, genitals, scalp, or eyelid), and when they’ve previously been treated but have returned.

What can you expect from Mohs surgery results in Marietta, GA? Here’s the scoop!

Mohs Surgery Has a High Success Rate

Since its creation in the 1930s, years of research and refinement have gone into Mohs surgery for basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

This has led to it becoming the most successful skin cancer treatment with a success rate of 98 to 99%. So, most likely you can expect that you are free of cancer afterward.

There Is More Than One Wound Closure Technique

The depth and location of your wound will determine the type of wound closure you need. You may only need a bandage or you may need stitches.

It’s not uncommon for a plastic surgeon to be invited to take a look at your wound if it’s somewhere highly visible like your face or hands or if it’s a large area.

Will I Need Stitches After Treatment?

Some patients heal nicely without stitches, while others need them. To assist in healing, it may be necessary to have a skin graft or a different type of surgery.

Your Mohs surgeon may treat the wound on the same day or refer you to a specialist to help ensure you have minimal scarring.

It Is Important You Follow All Post-Surgery Instructions

Mohs surgery is not only considered successful but safe. However, there are rare occurrences of infection, bleeding, or nerve damage.

Following your instructions carefully reduces the risk of these issues.

How Do I Know Mohs Surgery Is the Right Treatment for Me?

It’s important to note that while Mohs surgery does have an incredibly high success rate, it’s not recommended for everyone.

Your surgeon will work closely with you to determine the right treatment plan.

For the Best Mohs Surgery Results in Marietta, GA, Choose Acworth Dermatology

Here, Dr. Johnathan Langston Chappell offers the top skin cancer treatments.

Call us today at 678-505-8030 to book a consultation with Dr. Chappell for compassionate care and the right treatment for all your skin concerns!