Prior to undergoing a skin cancer treatment, it’s extremely important for patients to select the right specialist and understand the costs vs. benefits of the intended procedure.
Anyone with keloids knows that they can cause a great deal of discomfort and pose a significant cosmetic concern.
Continue reading to learn all about keloids, including causes, risk factors, and symptoms.
Continue reading to learn four signs of the best dermatologist in Atlanta.
It’s not uncommon for patients to ask: How do I know if I have skin cancer? Read on to learn more.
Many women and men are understandably concerned about discomfort before undergoing skin cancer treatment.
Mohs surgery is one of the safest and most effective skin cancer treatments for non-melanoma skin cancers.
Continue reading to learn all about melanoma detection and diagnosis.
To find out the answer to these questions and learn what patients can expect from their visit, read on.
When women and men observe a suspicious skin lesion, they should schedule an appointment with their dermatologist for further evaluation.