It is very important to find the best skin cancer specialist for you. You have to look for a dermatologist who will listen to your concerns and whom you can trust to take you seriously. Sometimes this search can…
Acne is the most common skin condition in the world. Almost everyone experiences an acne breakout at some point in their lives, especially during their teenage years. About 40–50 million Americans have acne at any given time! If you’re…
Mohs surgery is one of the most effective techniques for treating and removing common skin cancers like basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, but finding a good Mohs surgeon is a difficult task. Here are five pro tips…
Scars are unpleasant enough as is, but keloids take it to the next level. While they aren’t harmful to your health, they can be a source of insecurity about the way you look. Here’s what the best keloid doctor…
Dermatology, the study of skin health, is severely lacking when it comes to brown and black skin, especially skin cancer. Though progress has been made in recent years, most dermatology textbooks don’t include images of skin conditions as they…
It is very important to find the right skin cancer doctor. You have to look for a dermatologist who listens to your concerns and whom you can trust to find any abnormal moles that could lead to skin cancer.…
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer there is. But if you know what to look for, you can spot warning signs of skin cancer early and be preemptive in your treatment. Finding it early, when it’s…
Do you regularly check yourself for signs of skin cancer? Believe it or not, many men and women don’t do this simply because they are scared of what they don’t understand or are unsure of exactly what to look for.
Dealing with acne on your own can be incredibly frustrating. Drugstore treatments might work for a short time, but they really aren’t a great long-term solution.
For many men and women, keloid scars can be painful and unsightly. If you have them and wish to remove them, you probably have questions.