Finding An Acne Specialist in Marietta, Georgia

5 Tips From an Acne Specialist in Marietta, Georgia to Clearing Your Skin

Clear skin contributes to better self-esteem, and nothing can drag that self-esteem down like adult acne. It can be a journey to try to find the way that your unique skin can be cleared.

Here are some ways that an acne specialist in Marietta, Georgia recommends to help you get clearer skin.

  1. Understand the Cause

Acne can be caused by a number of things including genetics, hormonal changes, and lifestyle habits. The first step toward effectively treating acne is having an idea of what some of the causes may be.

Try different treatments such as retinoids to unclog pores or oral medications that combat hormonal issues. In some cases, you may want to address multiple causes at once. 

  1. Establish a Regular Routine

Your skin can be easily confused if you are constantly introducing it to new products or making frequent changes to its routine. Try sticking to a single routine for several weeks, and if your skin is not getting better, consider changing your routine and seeing an acne specialist in Marietta, Georgia. 

  1. Be Gentle With Your Skin

A good exfoliator is an important step in your skincare routine. However, make sure that you are not overdoing the exfoliation. Harsh exfoliation can irritate your skin, which will only make your acne worse and your skin more delicate. You should also avoid touching your skin too much or picking at your acne. 

  1. Be Patient

The key to seeing results from changes to your acne treatment routine is patience. It can take a while to see results from any adjustments to your routine such as medications, creams, or lifestyle habits. Give your routine at least a month of regular use to see results. 

  1. Find the Right Acne Specialist in Marietta, Georgia

The key to clearing your skin of acne is having a fantastic skincare specialist in Marietta who you can trust, and that acne specialist is Dr. Johnathan Langston Chappell here at Acworth Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center.

To make an appointment, give us a call at 678-505-8030 today, so Dr. Chappell and our amazing skincare team can help find the best solutions for you!