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Tips for Finding the #1 Mohs Doctor in Georgia

#1 mohs doctor

Mohs surgery is one of the most effective techniques for treating and removing common skin cancers like basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, but finding a good Mohs surgeon is a difficult task. Here are five pro tips for finding the #1 Mohs doctor in Georgia to make it easier!

1. Ask Your Friends and Family

If you have a friend or loved one that’s undergone Moh surgery before, start by asking them who they went to and their experience with that surgeon. Was getting an appointment difficult? What is their bedside manner like? Were there any complications at any point during diagnosis or treatment?

Receiving a recommendation and information from someone you trust is the easiest way to find the right Mohs doctor for you.

2. Check for Fellowship Training

Your Mohs surgeon should have the necessary credentials and training before you consider calling their office. A fellowship-trained Mohs doctor is a must to ensure not only your safety but a successful result as well. Don’t skip researching your Mohs doctor and ensure they have these credentials and certifications.

3. Interview Mohs Surgeons to Help You Find the Best

A key to finding a Mohs surgeon is to ask them questions and basically interview them. Ask them about the number of Mohs surgeries they’ve performed, the results they’ve seen after and how successful these surgeries have been, the frequency of complications and how they aim to address them, and whether they’ve treated cases specifically like yours successfully in the past.

Additionally, you can ask for further clarification on their credentials, fellowship training, and other key details that qualify them. A reputable doctor will be happy to give you this information and build a trusting, honest relationship with you.

4. Look Within Your Insurance Network for Skilled Provider

In order to streamline the process and take the stress out of finding a Mohs surgeon, start by looking at Mohs doctors within your insurance network. Many insurance companies are happy to assist with this. You can also receive a referral from your primary care provider.

If you’re unable to look at the providers in your network to ensure coverage and keep costs at a minimum, don’t hesitate to call around and ask different dermatologists whether they accept your insurance program and how much it might cost since they are out of network. Going back to the first tip, you can ask your co-workers or other people you trust that have the same health insurance company as you whether their Mohs surgeon accepted their insurance.

5. Read Reviews

Reading about real-patient experiences is a crucial step in finding a Mohs doctor and understanding their care approach. Check out the testimonials and reviews readily available on your doctor’s website, but also be sure to view them on third-party sources such as Reppster to ensure that they’re an honest reflection of how real patients were treated.

If you’re not sure what exactly to look for in those reviews, keep an eye out for aspects like cost, success rates, communication between doctor and patient, accessibility, cleanliness of facilities, and additional factors that matter to you and your needs.

Visit Acworth Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center to Meet With the #1 Mohs Doctor in Georgia!

Our doctor here at Acworth Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center, Dr. Johnathan Chappell, is proud to be the #1 Mohs doctor in Georgia! Having completed fellowship training, Dr. Chappell is an active member of the American College of Mohs Surgery, committed to delivering his patients with the most successful outcome possible!
Call us at 678-505-8030 today to schedule your consultation and learn how Mohs surgery can change your life after a skin cancer diagnosis!

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