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Seasonal Skin Care Tips From a Proven Marietta Dermatologist

Do you adjust your skin care routine as the seasons change? Many people don’t realize that weather shifts can have a big impact on skin health and they may need different skin care services at different times of the year. 

Whether it’s the dry winter air or the intense summer sun, knowing how to care for your skin year-round is essential and shouldn’t be overlooked, especially by people with sensitive skin. 

Seasonal skin care tips from a Marietta dermatologist helps your skin healthy in every season. Here’s what you should know.

How Does Each Season Affect Your Skin, and What Are the Best Seasonal Skin Care Tips From a Marietta Dermatologist?

Use a thick moisturizer, drink plenty of water, and avoid long and / or hot showers because they can dry out your skin.

Switch to a lightweight moisturizer, and consider allergy-friendly skin care products if you’re prone to flare-ups.

Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, wear protective clothing, and stay hydrated.

Start incorporating richer moisturizers and exfoliate gently to remove summer sun damage.

When Should You See a Dermatologist?

If you’re seeking more seasonal skin care tips from a Marietta dermatologist or need treatment for  persistent dryness, breakouts, or irritation, a skin care specialist can help tailor a routine that works for your skin type.

Keep Your Skin Healthy Year-Round — Book a Consultation Today!

Don’t let seasonal changes take a toll on your skin. Whether you need seasonal skin care tips, hydration tips, sun protection strategies, or personalized treatment, Acworth Dermatology & Skin Care Center is here to help.

Contact us online to request an appointment or call our office at 678-505-8030 and start achieving healthy, glowing skin all year long!​​

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