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Same-Day Skin Cancer Appointment

Do I Have Melanoma?

Facing the possibility of skin cancer is scary and confusing, especially if you have an upcoming screening and you’re not sure where to start. Here’s your step-by-step guide on what you can expect during your same-day skin cancer appointment from beginning to end!

A Self Exam Is the Best Way to Determine Whether You Need Same-Day Care

Learning how to spot signs of skin cancer is a life-saving skill that can help you to determine if you need to book an appointment right away. While all skin cancers are serious and can turn fatal, melanoma is the most important type and demands immediate care.

You can perform a self exam by looking for the ABCDEs of melanoma. The ABCDEs stand for asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolving, of which you’ll look for abnormalities in any of these traits.

Additionally, any suspicious growth, sore, patch or mole on your body should be looked at further.

Have you noticed a spot on your body that looks suspicious and is causing concern? Then, it’s time to take the next step and find a dermatologist who offers same-day skin cancer appointments. You can book these screenings by calling or scheduling online.

While you’re scheduling, they’ll let you know the information needed prior to your appointment and during it. If you’re a new patient, you can find new patient forms online to fill out in advance and save time.

Here’s What to Expect at Your Skin Cancer Visit

You may feel like you have to be in a rush with your appointment being mere hours away. Take a deep breath and start gathering everything you might need for your visit. This includes valid identification, insurance information, a list of current medications, and similar details.

You should arrive clean and in loose, comfortable clothing that you can remove or adjust easily to access the area of concern.

Skin cancers including melanoma don’t discriminate, arising in some pretty personal areas of the body. Your doctor will want to perform a head-to-toe physical examination to check your entire body for signs of skin cancer, which involves getting undressed and putting on a medical gown.

During this examination, your doctor checks your arms, back, chest, face, legs, nails, and less visible places like the soles of your feet, between your toes, genitals, and scalp.

Everyone is susceptible to skin cancer. However, there are certain risk factors that can make you more likely to develop it. For example, excessive sun exposure, the use of tanning beds, a family history of skin cancer, an organ transplant, and certain medications.

Be honest with your doctor about everything relating to your day-to-day activities and if they involve regular UV exposure, your medical history, and medications you take.

Once your examination has concluded, you and your doctor will decide from there whether you require further screening with diagnostic tests like a biopsy, as well as solutions if skin cancer is likely. Fortunately, skin cancer is often curable, and you may have multiple treatment options.

Make sure to have a discussion with your dermatologist about the steps you can take to prevent skin cancer. Additionally, schedule yearly visits to stay on top of your health.

Book Your Same-Day Skin Cancer Screening With Our Board-Certified Dermatologist at Acworth Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center!

Skip the wait and put your mind at ease with same-day care at Acworth! We empower all of our patients with education. Also, rest assured that we work with you every step of the way for exceptional care, diagnosis, and treatment. Contact us at 678-505-8030 to request your appointment today!

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