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How Do I Know if I Have Skin Cancer?

How Do I Know if I Have Skin Cancer?

During the summer, people are more likely to spend time outdoors and in the sun.

So, it’s not surprising that many women and men become more conscious about sun protection and skin cancer around this time of year. They may even wonder: How do I know if I have skin cancer?

To find out the answer to this question and learn all about skin cancer detection, read on.

How Do I Know if I Have Skin Cancer? 3 Tips for Early Detection

1. Perform Self-Exams

If you are wondering – How do I know if I have skin cancer? – it’s important to understand how skin cancer can present on the face and body.

Common skin cancer signs include a dome-shaped growth, scaly patch, non-healing sore or sore that heals and returns, and a brown or black streak under a nail.

It can also be observed as a changing mole or a suspicious growth that has a different appearance than other spots.

Once you know what to look out for, you should regularly examine your skin from scalp to the bottom of your feet and in between your toes. Be sure to look at each and every part of your body and get into a routine of performing self-exams.

2. Schedule an Appointment with Your Dermatologist

If you find a suspicious growth during a self-exam, schedule an evaluation with your dermatologist right away.

You should also see your dermatologist once a year for an annual skin cancer screening. This allows for a thorough visual examination and provides an opportunity to identify any new or changing lesions.

3. Undergo a Skin Biopsy

A skin biopsy involves removing part or all of a potentially-cancerous growth and examining it under a microscope.

It is the only way to definitively diagnose skin cancer and answer the question – How do I know if I have skin cancer?

Schedule a Skin Cancer Screening Today

If you have a suspicious growth or would like to arrange a skin cancer screening, please call our office today to schedule a comprehensive consultation with board-certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained Mohs surgeon Dr. Johnathan L. Chappell.  

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