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Do I Have Skin Cancer in Marietta, GA?

Do I have skin cancer in Marietta, GA?

When you see a mole, the first thing you may be thinking – Do I have skin cancer in Marietta, GA? There are certain things that a doctor will look for when determining if your new growth is benign or malignant.

There are some helpful at-home tools you can use to help prepare yourself for your next dermatology appointment to distinguish between skin cancer and a harmless mole. 

How Can I Tell if My Mole Is Cancerous?

While you cannot self-diagnose skin cancer, there are certain qualities to look for in a mole to be able to tell if it’s one specific type known as melanoma. These are often called the “ABCDEs” of melanoma, or Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, and Evolution. 

Benign moles are typically perfect circles or ovals. If they are asymmetrical, it may be a sign of melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma typically has an uneven border around it that can sometimes appear rigid, while regular moles are smooth.

Benign moles tend to be one color, while melanomas can be multiple different browns and can even appear white, red, or blue. 

So, Do I Have Skin Cancer in Marietta, GA or Is It a Benign Mole?

The only way to know if your mole is truly skin cancer or not is to see a dermatologist. Your provider will examine the mole and decide whether they want to do a biopsy.

This biopsy will be analyzed for cancer cells, and then you will get the results. Finding out that you have skin cancer may be scary, but there are steps you can take to remove the cancer and prevent it from coming back. 

Where Can I Find a Caring Skin Cancer Dermatologist Near Mariette?

If you’ve noticed a new mole, or an existing mole has had an increase in size or a change in appearance, you should see a skilled dermatologist to get the answer to your, “Do I have skin cancer in Marietta, GA?”

Contact renowned skin cancer specialist, Dr. Johnathan Langston Chappell at Acworth Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center today at 678-505-8030 to schedule an appointment. 

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